
INTERVIEW: Ressence’s founder outlines how to stand out in an evolving market

WatchPro caught up with the founder of Ressence Watches, Benoit Mintiens, who shares how the brand intends to set itself apart from competition after almost 15 years in business.

WP: Your company, and the watches it makes, are quite different from the competition and unites traditional watchmaking with a very bold and modern design. How would you describe Ressence? 

BM: To me, Ressence represents a new reality in fine watchmaking. It is more than just a watch company – it is a new approach and vision around luxury goods and representing time. It is about pushing the boundaries of what is possible in watch design and engineering, and creating something surprising and unique.

For us, this means fusing traditional watchmaking techniques with cutting-edge technology and materials to create watches that are timeless and provoke wonder.

It involves embracing simplicity and minimalism, while simultaneously pushing the limits of what’s achievable in terms of functionality and performance. Perhaps most importantly, Ressence is about the people who wear our watches. We believe that a Ressence is not just a watch, but a reflection of the wearer’s personality, and values.

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WP: You launched the Ressence brand in 2010 – how has the ecosystem changed since then? Do you feel that collectors are more open to independent brands than they used to be?

BM: In the high and upper-high watch sector, collectors and enthusiasts of exceptional timepieces are increasingly seeking exclusivity, unique pieces, and an inspiring story to tell about an exceptional product.

Yes, we are witnessing a growing interest in independent brands that offer complementary and innovative visions of watchmaking. Ressence customers are often collectors with a strong taste for uniquely designed products. They often tell us that wearing a Ressence has led them to make beautiful encounters because the watch sparks curiosity.

WP: What does it mean to you to be an independent watchmaker?

BM: I see being an independent watchmaker primarily as having creative freedom. It is what allows for the radically different design of our watches. It enables us to make bolder decisions and offer a genuine alternative to the market.

This freedom is a great comfort, often worrying too, because, as independent makers, we take more risks and we do not know if everything will sell as hoped.

WP: Your watches have a unique design and a clear emphasis on innovation. How do you balance these elements with creating a timeless piece that can be worn for years to come? 

BM: I believe that innovation and timeless design are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I see innovation as a means to create watches that will stand the test of time both aesthetically and functionally.

To achieve this balance, we approach watchmaking with a focus on simplicity, durability, and functionality. We create designs that are essential, yet elegant and understated – designs that are not dictated by fleeting trends or fads, but by a commitment to enduring style and quality.

We do not just rely on innovation for innovation’s sake – we choose materials and technologies, such as grade 5 titanium or oil-filled chambers, because they enhance the functionality and durability of our watches. We also pay close attention to the details of our designs, ensuring that they are well-proportioned, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing.

WP: Where do you start when designing a new watch model? 

BM: I do not start with designing the watch, but by considering the relationship between the wearer and the watch. A watch is there to provide a service. The better it executes its function, the better your relation is with it. So, we want to make watches relevant on the wrist. It must wear comfortably and be as legible as possible.

So, our starting point is the user, where most of our colleagues in horology start with the movement and its complications. The challenge and the performance in their case is horological and mechanical.

They design the watch from the inside to the outside. Functionality is a consequence. In our case, we do the opposite. We design very essential, functional watches from the outside, and the internal complexity and bold engineering is a consequence.

WP: What are your customers looking for when they purchase a Ressence watch?

BM: We are fortunate to have remarkable customers: entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, artists, architects. We pay tribute to them on our website because we are very grateful for the trust they place in our young brand.

These customers tell us they have found in Ressence a surprising watch, with a strong and unique identity, pleasant to wear, and a product of high quality, both visually and in terms of materials. They often say that their Ressence is the watch from their collection that they wear the most.

So, I would say that customers looking for a product of high quality, that wears comfortably, with a unique visual identity, while remaining understated and elegant, have a good chance of finding what they are looking for with us.

WP: Your latest launch was the TYPE 1°M, a very graphic multicolour watch. What prompt you to incorporate more colour into your designs?

BM: In the beginning, our watches were presented in timeless hues: black, white, grey, midnight blue… We first wanted to introduce our watches as they are: a fresh way of displaying time in motion, without disrupting the message too much with too many colours.

However, we then noticed a real interest and enthusiasm for vibrant shades, particularly through some of the unique pieces or limited editions we have produced.

This evolution towards more colour also aligns perfectly with our goal of creating a stronger emotional bond between a watch and its owner. We achieve this through soft, rounded, and inviting shapes, as well as through the dynamic movement of our dials, which never fails to provoke wonder. Yet, colour has a far greater power than shapes to inspire emotion.

Besides, who wouldn’t want a bit more colour in their life? The optimistic, refreshing, and joyful feel that colour adds to daily life should and must be reflected on our customers’ wrists… It’s like carrying a piece of spring with you.

WP: How has the market evolved recently, and what sets Ressence apart in light of these changes?

BM: In recent years, the watch market has expanded considerably, attracting new watch enthusiasts, new brands and also speculators.

This has led to a mad race with more and more products on offer: more complications and more horological challenges — the thinnest, the lightest, the most durable… Prices reaching new heights. Waiting lists expanding. And so on.

At the moment, our approach is the exact opposite of this overbidding. We remove everything that can be removed to create ‘horological pebbles,’ that are minimalist and pleasant to wear because they are so tactile.

There is no big logo on our watches. No diamonds, gold or other embellishments. While our products may seem sober and discreet at first glance, they reveal their strong identity on closer look.

This approach is integral to Ressence and sets us apart from many competitors. We will continue to push boundaries and reinvent our relationship with watches and the representation of time, to make them travel companions that are pleasant to look at, wear and handle.

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